
Landsea Issued the Green Bonds for First Time and Got the Highest Rating for S&P Green Evaluations


On April 20, 2018, Landsea Green Group successfully issued a total of US$150 million green senior notes with a coupon rate of 9.625%, as the first green notes issued by the company. Issuing green bonds is a proactive respond to the countrys approach to promoting green finance. We are aimed at providing financing and refinancing for green projects, and attract new investors focusing on environmental protection and green sectors. The issuing of the green bonds also marks Landseas breakthrough in green finance and sustainable financing.

On April 20 in London, Standard & Poors Global Ratings announced that according to its Green Evaluation, the US$150 million green notes issued by Landsea Green Group was rated at E1/84, which is the highest rating for green evaluations. The Green Evaluation of S&P Global Ratings is an environmental certification for assets, based on the existing governance and transparency frameworks (such as the Green Bond Principles), taking into account the climate elasticity and environmental impact. The Green Evaluation aims to provide investors with a more comprehensive picture of the green impact and climate risk of their investment portfolio.

Leveraging on the solid foundation of property business, Landsea has been vigorously exporting its project development and management services. At the meantime, Landsea strives to promote the development of related diversified businesses and initiated a "Banyan Tree Scheme". The Group also engages in other sectors, including long-term rental apartment, elderly care services, green financial services, property services, green decoration and green architecture design. The notes issued in the form of green bonds will be used exclusively for the financing or refinancing of new green residential construction in China, including but not limited to refinance the existing debt related to such projects.

The 19th CPC National Congress proposed that we will create a market-based system for green technology innovation, develop green finance, and spur the development of energy-saving and environmental protection industries. It can be seen that China attaches great importance to the development of green finance. As an important part of Chinas green financial system, green bonds have received extensive attention from all walks of life. Mr. Tian Ming, Chairman of the Landsea Green Group, concluded: "Landsea always adheres to a sound financial policy. The first issuance of green senior notes will broaden financing channels and provide financial support for the development of the company’s diversified business. Landsea has always insisted on advocating environmental protection and developing diversified green business. In the future, Landsea will focus on the green real estate business and continue to deepen the Banyan Tree Scheme, in order to continue the green transformation of the Company and create greater value for shareholders with excellent products and outstanding operating results."